Mrs. Amy Wightman
Amy Wightman is the Administrator at Covenant Christian School. She joined Covenant in 1995 and filled the role as the first grade teacher and teacher representative on the School Advisory Board for many years. Amy earned her B.A. from West Virginia Wesleyan College with a degree in Elementary Education (K-8) and Special Ed. (K-12). After teaching for 18 years, Amy felt called to get a master’s degree in administration. She graduated with an M.A. in Christian School Administration through Regent University. Her love for Jesus and passion and commitment to Christian education is evident. Amy believes that Covenant is called to care for students spiritually, academically, emotionally, and physically. She desires to see children understand that they were created in the image of God, establish an abiding relationship with Jesus, and be equipped to fulfill the plans and purposes God has for them.
Amy is married to Sean, the Associate Pastor of Covenant GMC.They both have hearts of ministry and have made a commitment to serve the Lord. They have 2 daughters, Brianna and Bethany who have been in Christian education and will continue to receive the benefit and blessings of a Christian education through college.

Mr. Darren Stockett
Assistant Administrator
Darren Stockett has been teaching Physical Education and serving as one of the school nurses since 2011 after substituting and volunteering prior to that time. Mr. Stockett was promoted to Assistant Administrator in 2019 as well as continuing to server in his prior positions with the school. He received a Bachelors Degree in Nursing from West Virginia University in 1998. Darren worked as a Psychiatric Nurse at Chestnut Ridge Hospital for 7 years and “retired” to be a stay at home dad after the birth of his youngest child. After being involved at Covenant for many years and having a deep love of children, Darren felt God’s call to apply for the open PE teaching position and voiced feeling “blessed to be accepted into this great family.” He states, “I truly love being able to care for and pour into our students both physically and spiritually every day.”
He has been happily married to his lovely bride, Cheryl, since 2000 and they have two wonderful kids, Noah and Kara. Both children have grown spiritually and intellectually throughout their time here at Covenant Christian School.

Mrs. Renee Rexroad
Finance Director
Renee Rexroad began as the administrative assistant for the church in 2003. She has been overseeing finances for the school and church since 2006.

Pastor Nathan Williamson
Senior Pastor
Pastor Nathan Williamson was born and raised in Morgantown, WV. He received his Bachelor Degree from Asbury University in Media Communications. He also holds a Masters of Divinity from Wesley Biblical Seminary. He is an ordained elder in the EMC. Pastor Nate was a youth pastor for seven years at the EMC church in Elizabeth City, NC before returning to West Virginia as the associate pastor at Kingdom EMC from 2009 to 2012. He became senior pastor at Covenant GMC in December 2012. He is the son of Dr. Edward Williamson and Loretta Williamson who founded Covenant GMC and Covenant Christian School. He is married to Leah Williamson and is the father of 5 children: Emma, Samantha, Ava, Hannah and Judah. He has a passion for the study of Scripture, the reality of the new life through Christ, and getting people to see things from an eternal perspective.

Pastor Sean Wightman
Associate Pastor
Pastor Sean Wightman has been ministering in Morgantown, WV since 1995. He received his Bachelor Degree from WV Wesleyan College in Finance and Christian Education. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Wesley Biblical Seminary and is ordained in the GMC. Sean was a campus pastor through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at WVU and WVWC for 13 years. He has been Associate Pastor of Care at Covenant GMC since 2008. Amy, his wife, is the Administrator for Covenant Christian School. She has been a part of the school since 1995. Sean and Amy have two daughters, Brianna and Bethany. He has a passion for evangelism, pastoral care and desires to see people grow and flourish spiritually in Christ especially through Small Groups (Care Circles).

Mrs. Lindsay Richards
Administrative Assistant/Marketing
Lindsay Richards was raised in Bruceton Mills, WV. She graduated from Fairmont State University in 2005 with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Graphics Technology and a minor in Fine Arts. She taught art at CCS for three years. She loved teaching art and teaching children to express themselves through their work. In 2019 she took on a new role as Administrative Assistant to Covenant Christian School and Covenant Church. Her desire for others to know Christ makes Christian education a top priority. She is also passionate about photography and design. When she is not working, Mrs. Richards enjoys spending time with her husband and their four children. She enjoys hiking, gardening, painting, and watching her kids excel at the many things they enjoy.

Mrs. Meghan Casto
4th Teacher

Mrs. Monica Livengood
K3 Teacher
Monica Livengood started as the K3 teacher in 2023. Prior to that, she was the K3 aide for 9 years. In 2021 she earned the West Virginia Early Care and Education Certificate for teaching preschoolers. Being part of the CCS family is such a blessing to her. She looks forward to coming to school and sharing the love of Jesus with all the students, especially the little ones. She has a heart for preschoolers and a passion for living a life for Christ. She has a daughter and son that have both graduated from Covenant.
The Livengood family loves the outdoors. They enjoy being at the beach, camping, biking, and working in the yard.

Miss Brianna Wightman
Preschool Aide/Librarian/Spiritual Development
Brianna Wightman is the floating aide for Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 classrooms and the 8th grade Bible teacher. She attended Covenant from kindergarten to 8th grade and loves being back as a teacher in a place that feels a lot like home. She graduated from Asbury University in May 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministries and a love for working with kids and students.
She loves getting to build relationships with both her 8th graders and her prek students. Her degree in and calling to ministry and love for education are fulfilled in this role full of mentorship and teaching. She believes that she is right where her ‘own deep gladness and the world’s deep need meet,’ working in practical ministries.
She enjoys spending time with and traveling to visit college friends, listening to and sharing music, cooking and baking, early mornings, hiking and sometimes backpacking, YouTube, Christian spiritual growth literature, learning about theology, and autumn in West Virginia.

Mrs. Pamela Ramsey
K4 Teacher
Pamela Ramsey joined Covenant Christian School during the 2021-2022 school year after being offered the Interim K4 teacher position. She then decided to continue until the end of the year.
Before becoming a full-time teacher at Covenant, Pamela was a daycare owner for 3 years. In 2019, she became a substitute teacher at Covenant working in the preschool classrooms.
She is also a parent of an incoming 7th grader. Pamela and her husband Kirk have been married for 29 years.
Pamela was born and raised in the small town of Como, MS. She graduated high school in May 1992 from North Panola High located in Sardis, MS.
She then attended Northwest Community College that fall majoring in Early Childhood Education. She married her husband in her second semester of college. Pamela graduated in Aug 1994 with an Associate's of Applied Science degree.
She continued her education at the University of Memphis while her husband attended Medical school. She and her husband moved from Memphis to Morgantown, WV in May 2002 where her husband started his medical residency.
Pamela completed her Bachelor's in Child Development and Family Studies from West Virginia University in August 2004.
A few years later, she and her husband relocated to Meriden, CT. Pamela begin working for EasterSeals Headstart. She also decided to go back to school in 2009 were she received an certification in Early Childhood Administration from Post University.

Mrs. Amy Lewis
K4 Teacher's Aide
Amy Lewis is our K4 aide. She has loved serving in this role since December of 2020. She was a beloved wife to her husband, Mike, for 18 years before he went home to Heaven in November of 2022. They have 2 daughters together, Olivia and Allie, who are both students at CCS. Before becoming a teacher, she served in the United States Army and was a respiratory therapist. In her spare time, Amy enjoys crocheting, doing puzzles, coloring, and spending time with her family and friends. She prefers to start her morning with Jesus… and coffee!

Mrs. Andrea Stephens
K5 Teacher
Andrea Stephens has been a Covenant parent for many years, and became our Kindergarten teacher during the 2020-21 school year. Currently three of her four children are enrolled at CCS. Her daughter is a CCS graduate. Andrea has also served in the school on the PSO and as a substitute teacher.
She says, "Covenant is our home away from home, and we could not love this school more!"
Andrea has a Bachelor’s degree in Child and Family Psychology and a Master of Arts in Teaching/Elementary Education. She is certified and licensed to teach through grade sixth grade in both West Virginia and Maryland.
After graduating from college, Andrea taught first and third grade. For 13 years she was blessed to be a stay at home mom. Andrea also has a
home-based business in health and fitness. She homeschooled using the Abeka curriculum before she and her family found CCS. She is passionate about Christian education, and it has been her hope and plan to return to the classroom after her children were all school age! That time has come!
Andrea loves how God’s plans for our lives are always bigger and more awesome than our own ever could be. She loves Jesus, her husband and their children, her family, this school… and Chick-Fil-A and anything lemon!

Mrs. Jessica Taylor
K5 Teacher's Aide
Jessica Taylor is a wife to her high school sweetheart and a mom of four. Before starting at Covenant she was an Abeka homeschooling mom to her own kids for 5 years. In 2021 Jessica and her four kids were blessed to join the Covenant Christian School family. Besides spending time with her own family she also loves leading worship and being the Bible quiz director at her church. She has a passion for teaching the littles and figuring out how each child is able to learn best. Her favorite thing about teaching is being able to see the light bulb come on when her Kinders are learning to read. She also enjoys getting creative and sometimes a little messy as the art teacher for grades K-5 through 4th grade. If there is one thing that she hopes to be able to teach the kids at Covenant it would be to tell them how much God loves them and how sweet His "grace" is.

Miss. Angelica Everetts
1st Grade Teacher
Angelica Everetts has been teaching first grade at Covenant Christian School since 2018. She graduated from West Virginia University in 2015 with a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education with a specialization in Early Childhood. Ms. Everetts has also received a second Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology from WVU. She enjoys teaching first grade students. Her personal goal for her students is to instill in them “A LOVE FOR LEARNING.” Ms. Everetts has teaching experience in various school settings with children of all ages. As a former graduate of Covenant Christian School, she knows the importance of a strong biblical and academic foundation that a Christian school provides for children.​

Mrs. Tiffney Batton
2nd Grade Teacher
Tiffney Batton teaches 2nd grade. She is a Morgantown native and a Fairmont State University graduate. She knew she was being called to be a teacher at the young age of 10. She strives to make learning fun and memorable. Tiffney believes children learn best by doing, so you will see many hands on activities in her classroom.
She believes in applying effective teaching methods for each child todevelop emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. She knows that God has a plan for each of our lives, and is very thankful that he has chosen her to serve at Covenant Christian School.

Miss. Hannah Rumpf
3rd Grade Teacher
Hannah Rumpf is our third grade teacher. She is originally from the Boston area and went to school in South Carolina before ending up in wonderful West Virginia. Ms. Rumpf has a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Bob Jones University and a master's degree in literacy from Clemson University. She loves teaching and the opportunity she has to help her students grow both academically and in their relationship with God. Ms. Rumpf enjoys spending time with family and friends, baking, reading, and doing most outdoor activities.

Ms. Klorisa Tanner
6th Grade Homeroom
Ms. Klorisa Tanner is the 6th grade homeroom teacher. She teaches 6th grade Bible and literature, language grades 6-8, and various electives. She holds a BS in elementary education as well as an art certification for Pre-K through adult. She taught in the public school system for 12 years. This will be her seventh year at Covenant. She enjoys painting, hiking, camping, music, and reading. Her greatest desire is to know God more deeply, be used by Him, and allow Him to shape her. She enjoys teaching in a place where God is the priority; where everyone is family; where lives are shaped by His Word, prayer, and worship; and where His love is so prevalent. Covenant offers all of this! It offers excellent academic education while building a firm biblical foundation in its students.

Mrs. Sarah Pumphrey
5-8th Math
Sarah grew up in a small, active country church, where she gained a foundation in God’s word and was very involved in youth and church events. Sarah got her degree in teaching, then taught for 7 years in private and public schools. When Sarah and her husband Jeff decided to have kids, Sarah became a stay at home mom.
When Sarah and Jeff married in 2000, he was teaching at Trinity. Sarah became a substitute and later started teaching there herself. They were very involved in activities from coaching basketball, to leading Bible studies, and organizing Senior retreats. Jeff became a Youth Pastor a few years later and Sarah gained experience with helping Jeff coordinate and show God's love to youth. Sarah continues to homeschool her children while teaching math at Covenant.

Mrs. Rebekah Berg
Athletic Director/P.E./French Teacher
Rebekah has been the Athletic Director at Covenant since 2015. She loves to help children discover and develop their God-given abilities. During the fall, winter, and spring she organizes all of our elementary and middle school after-school running programs and sport teams. In 2018, along with Amy Wightman, Rebekah helped bring The Daily Mile to Covenant making it 1 of only 2 locations in West Virginia. Starting in 2019, she also became the middle school French teacher and has added P.E. in 2020.

Mrs. Karen Shultz
Karen Shultz was born and raised near Harrisburg, PA. She married her high school sweetheart in May 1981; moved to Charleston for a few years and now lives in Morgantown since 1985. She has 3 children; Brian, Andy, and Allison. Andy is married to Brittany and has 2 boys, Carter and Greyson.
Her testimony. “I became a Christian because of this school. I grew up going to church and knew who Jesus was, but I didn’t dedicate my life to him until 1991. Two of my children started school the very first year Covenant was opened when they were 2 and 4. They would come home with stories from the Bible about people and places and events that I never heard of. I started reading the Bible and coming to Covenant and really got to know my Savior. I thank the Lord for the obedience of Pastor Ed and Loretta Williamson and their desire to ‘feed the lambs’. I was one of those lambs!”
She has been a part of Covenant since the school started. She says she’s not sure when she officially started working here because it doesn’t feel like a job and loves working with the staff, students and parents.
Jobs here at Covenant. Mrs. Shultz says about her job here at Covenant, “I love music. Music is my passion. I like to think of my first job here at Covenant as the music director. Although I have not had any formal training other than piano lessons and band and chorus in high school, the Lord has gifted me to teach band, choir, drama and bell choir to the middle school. I love to teach music to the children and I’m always looking for new and creative ways to teach the kids. We have a Christmas musical each year performed by the elementary grades and a Dinner Theater, Variety Show and Spring Concert to showcase the students’ talents. I am amazed at what the children can do and learn when it comes to music and the arts.”
Mrs. Shultz studied nursing in Lancaster and is a registered nurse. She works as one of the school nurses with the help of Darren Stockett. She has worked in hospitals and home health agencies over the course of the years.
She has also helped as an administrative assistant to Pastor Dave. She helps Mrs. Wightman and Mr. Stockett from time to time as well.

Miss. Angela Tanner
Intervention Specialist
Angela Tanner is the Intervention Specialist at Covenant Christian School. She began teaching at Covenant in 1998. Since then, she has taught students in fourth through eighth grades. She graduated from Mount Vernon Nazarene University with a BA in Elementary and Specific Learning Disabilities Education. Miss Tanner firmly believes that God creates every child with the ability to learn, and He created many different ways to accomplish this. She loves helping children discover how they learn best! Miss Tanner also enjoys teaching music, puppetry, and drama. She coordinates Pioneer Day as well.
When she is not at school, Miss Tanner enjoys spending time with her family and being active in various ministries of her church.

Ms. Rae Addis
K3 Teacher's Aide

Mr. Paul Fitzpatrick
8th Grade Homeroom
Paul Fitzpatrick is the middle school history teacher and teaches various other classes. Paul began teaching in a
non-traditional United States Air Force classroom at
Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, Texas. Paul went on to work different jobs in Florida before moving back to West Virginia and teaching technology education at Parkersburg High School and teaching physical education at Mineral Wells Elementary in Wood County. After moving to Morgantown Paul worked different jobs until 2018 when Paul went to work for the Pittsburgh Institute of Technology where he taught aircraft electrical systems. In 2020, Paul worked for the West Virginia Military Authority teaching leadership and life skills at University and Morgantown High School before coming to Covenant Christian School.
Paul enjoys gardening, traveling, and just spending time with his family. He also enjoys teaching the Bible and encouraging the students to walk closer to Jesus through reading His word. Paul enjoys attending WVU football and baseball games with his family and friends.

Mrs. Heidi Patton
7th Grade Homeroom
Heidi Patton is the middle school science teacher as well as teaching various other classes and electives. Heidi began her teaching career in the non-traditional classroom of the redwoods in Santa Cruz, CA teaching 5/6th grade Outdoor Education. She met her husband there and then moved jobs to a traditional classroom teaching middle school science at a Christian school in Aptos, CA. Heidi and her husband received the opportunity to purchase her husband's late grandparents home in West Virginia, bringing them to Morgantown. Heidi received her bachelors in Ecological Science at a small Christian college, Northwestern College in Northwest, IA. After she moved to West Virginia, she received her Masters in Science Education and Teaching Certification through West Virginia University. Heidi taught STEM Education and Gifted Education at Mountaineer Middle School before taking a hiatus from teaching to stay home and raise her three children. All three of her kiddos will be attending Covenant this fall.
Heidi loves to share and teach her love for science, baking, cooking and gardening with those around her and help show people the beautiful connection between these fields and the Gospel. Heidi is excited to jump back into teaching science at Covenant and helping the students explore God's creation in order to learn more about Him and their love for them through His creation. You will often find Heidi out in her garden, out in the woods with her family adventuring or in the kitchen baking and cooking for those she loves.

Mrs. Autumn Ryan
Cook, Rec & Games Teacher

Mr. Tim Allen
5th Grade

Mr. Josiah Caldwell
Josiah Caldwell - was born and raised in a Christian household. His mother homeschooled him all the way through high school, his mother taught at covenant many years ago with Mrs Amy Wightman as her aide. Josiah grew up going to Covenant for church on Sunday mornings with his family. Josiah played basketball for Covenant during his 7th & 8th grade year of middle school. Josiah has been working in childcare for 5 years now, and looks forward to adding another year onto that! Josiah is pursuing a degree in Business and Sports Management at Regent University (online). In his free time, Josiah likes to hunt, fish, watch and play basketball and many other sports, as he is a sports fanatic. He likes spending time with friends, and family. He also likes hiking and exploring nature, as it is one of his favorite parts of Gods beautiful creation! He looks forward to how God plans to use him in the future, whatever it may hold!

Mrs. Gloria Sickles

Miss Haylee Caldwell